EDC Board Meeting Agenda
October 27, 2023, 12:00 p.m.
Mitchell County Admin Building, EDC Office
Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest
Additions/Changes to Agenda
Approval of Minutes
September 22, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes
Public Comment
Financial Report
September 2023, Financial Update
EDC 2024 Meeting Calendar
EDC Director Updates
Member Comments
Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – January 26, 2024)
EDC Officers: Chairman, Chuck Vines; Vice-Chairman, Chris Gentry; Secretary, Tonia Hale; Treasurer, Financials, Sharon Gillespie, CPA’s (CPA Firm)
Contact: Matt Ward, Executive Director: 828-385-1242 Email: EDC@mitchellcountync.gov
October 27, 2023
The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on October 27, 2023, at 12:00pm. Present were, Charles Vines, Matt Ward, Amanda Hollifield, Van Phillips, Jeff Harding, Tonia Hale, Allen Cook, Chris Gentry, Richard Canipe, and Darlene Butler
- CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:08 pm.
- ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the, October 27, 2023, agenda. Tonia Hale made a motion to adopt the agenda and Van Phillips seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. Jeff Harding made a motion to approve the September 22, 2023, meeting minutes and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- FINANCIALS – Matt Ward, Executive Director, presented financial reports to the board. Darlene Butler made a motion to approve the September financial statement and Jeff Harding seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- The September Profit and Loss Statement: As of September 30, the profit and loss statement show all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories – Director services, accounting, cell, mileage reimbursements, office supplies. Additional expenses were yearly website software, UNC School of Govt Housing Seminar and historic preservation class totaling all at $9,681.43 After expenses and Interest Income of $348.80 the year to date net income totals $70,947.13. September Balance Sheet: The Balance Sheet for September 2023 shows the United Community current assets totaled $535,444.15 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $576,784.93. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through September 30, 2023.
- Board members voted to allow Matt to move forward with pursing the Dogwood Health Trust grant that is for a housing assessment study.The board adopted the 2024 EDC meeting calendar schedule.Completed the 10-week training investment framer program offered through Mountain Bizwork and he can apply for a grant to conduct technical assistance on any given project.
- A prospective buyer of the Former Pizza Brewery property at Oak Avenue has recorded a commercial access easement and I continue to check register of deeds for official owner transfer documents.
- I met Luke Fowler, Northwestern Housing Enterprises who is talking with MCHP to contemplate housing options in the Grassy Creek area. Phase I will be 30 affordable units and phase II will be 60 walk up workforce apts.
- Former Pizza/Brewery on Oak Ave has not finalized sale. They are working to get a commercial access easement recorded.
- I have two sheets from the top 25 things and the top 5 common EDC tasks to accomplish so far are:
1.Housing 2. Internet 3. More Infrastructure 4. More Businesses 5. Downtown Redevelopment
- Owner of Hardee’s (Robert Isenburg) reached out. He is asking $600,000k sales price and is open to lease options. I passed the information onto Rob Noyes the owner of Countryside Cafe and hoping to hear back.
Tonia Hale:
- Blue Ridge Regional Hospital welcomes two new providers: Dr. Drake, General Surgeon and Lyn Shelton, PA
- Tonia reported PEX scores are excellent
Allen Cook:
- Along with the rec center there will be additional parking spaces, a baseball diamond, bleachers, pedestrian bridge over Cane Creek, dog park and a bio retention pond.
- Bathroom facilities will also be part of the new rec center.
- A no rise study for the creekwalk extension will be conducted.
- State awarded the DMV contract to the county.
Chris Gentry:
- A lot of growth in the next 5-10 years and construction has been active.
Darlene Butler:
- Splash pad had a success first year and is now closed for the season.
- Basketball courts at Brad Ragan have been improved.
- Dog park fencing is going up.
- New nature trail to be built at Brad Ragan Park.
- Town is looking into a water and sewer assessment.
- Grant is being considered for downtown pedestrian bridge.
- Water tank at the cemetery.
Jeff Harding:
- Rocktoberfest was a success and 6 artists participated in the event.
- Recommended for Matt to contact Keith Johnson about his vacant property for sale along 19E and introduce him to a prospective buyer.
Richard Canipe:
- Spencer Bost is doing well as Spruce Pine Main Street director. Please take the time to meet him if you have not meet him yet.
Amanda Hollifield:
- This is week 4 of 6 busy weeks.
- Gallery sales are up 56% but foot traffic is down 12%.
- 2 open positions at Penland.
- TRAC and WNC artist retreat coming up.
- Toe River Arts Studio Tour coming up November 10-12.
- Nealy was able to get 3 NCDOT art gallery way finding signs for downtown.
Charles Vines:
- Sidewalk project – along S. Mitchell Ave from HWY 226 to bridge beside townhall.
- Hilloween – Thursday night was a success, over 300 people turned out.
- Trick or Treat – October 31st 5-7pm
ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 1:02pm by motion from Tonia Hale.
Respectfully Submitted,
______________________________ October 27, 2023
Charles Vines, Chairman Date
_______________________________ October 27, 2023
Tonia Hale, Secretary Date