September 23, 2022, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest/s                   Richard Canipe

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                      Richard Canipe

Approval of Minutes                                                                                           Richard Canipe

August 26, 2022, Open Session Meeting Minutes

Financial Report                                                                                                   Richard Canipe

August 2022, Financial Update

Downtown Spruce Pine Updates                                                                Richard Canipe

EDC Director Updates                                                                                      Matt Ward

Public Comment                                                                                                 Richard Canipe

Member Comments                                                                                          Richard Canipe

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – October 28, 2022

Quartz Building and Tour (Chris Gentry)                                     Richard Canipe




 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on September 23rd, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.

Present-Darlene Butler, Richard Canipe, Chris Gentry, Charles Vines, and Matthew Ward.


Absent-Van Phillips, Vern Grindstaff, John Boyd, Rob Heffron, Mandi Polly, Tonia Hale

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Richard Canipe, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:01 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA – A quorum was not present no actions taken.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – A quorum was not present no actions taken.

FINANCIALS – A quorum was not present no actions taken.


The Balance Sheet for August 2022 in United Community Bank’s EDC account shows Total Current Assets of $475,432.43 and Total Fixed Assets of $41,340.78 (Laptop and Accessories), leaving Total Assets of $516,773.21.  This amount equals our Total Liabilities and Equity through August 31, 2022.



  • Started land use committee meetings.
  • New bathroom for Riverside Park.
  • Applied for infrastructure grants.


Matt Ward: presented information on work and activities since the last EDC (see attached)



  • Visitor Center has been active since the September 6 opening date.
  • Work near the Creekwalk to be finished by October 12.


  • 3 new businesses (Bueno Blend, Big Al’s Pack and Ship and High Country Arms) opened in downtown Spruce Pine.


  • On October 28 at 10 am meeting at the Highland Building. Wear mine tour appropriate clothing (steel toe boots and pants). Lunch will be provided.

ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:56 pm. Next scheduled EDC Board Meeting will start with a mine tour at 10 a.m. and will follow with regular meeting at 12pm at the Quartz Highland Building.

October 28, 2022, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest/s                   Richard Canipe

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                      Richard Canipe

Approval of Minutes                                                                                           Tonia Hale

August 26, 2022, Open Session Meeting Minutes

September 23, 2022, Open Session Informational Meeting (no quorum)

Financial Report                                                                                                  Rob Heffron

August & September 2022, Financial Update

EDC Director Updates                                                                                       Matt Ward

Public Comment                                                                                                  Richard Canipe

Member Comments                                                                                           Richard Canipe

Adjournment (No November or December EDC Meeting)                                        Richard Canipe



 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on October 28, 2022 at 12:00pm. Present were Darlene Butler, Richard Canipe, Allen Cook, Chris Gentry, Tonia Hale, Rob Heffron, Charles Vines, and Matthew Ward, Van Phillips

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Richard Canipe, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:11 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Richard Canipe asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Charles Vines made a motion to approve the October 28, 2022 Agenda and Van Phillips seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Tonia Hale, Secretary, asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. Darlene Butler made a motion to approve the August 26, 2022 and September 23, 2022 minutes and Richard Canipe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

 FINANCIALS – Rob Heffron, Treasurer, presented the August 2022 and September 2022 financial reports to the board for consideration and approval.


The Balance Sheet for August 2022 in United Community Bank’s EDC account shows Total Current Assets of $475,432.43 and Total Fixed Assets of $41,340.78, leaving Total Assets of $516,773.21.  The increase in Fixed Assets reflects the addition of a new office laptop computer with necessary programs totaling $1,340.78.  This amount equals our Total Liabilities and Equity through August 31, 2022.

The August Profit & Loss Statement reflects routine monthly expenses for accounting fees and meeting lunch. The final rent payment for the Spruce Pine Office also appears.  The bank statement failed to reflect the monthly interest. That amount will show in the September statement. Total monthly expenses were $537.36. That concludes the August 2022 Financial report.




The Balance Sheet for September 2022 in United Community Bank’s EDC account shows Total Current Assets of $464,799.34 and Total Fixed Assets of $41,340.78, leaving Total Assets of $506,140.12.  This amount equals our Total Liabilities and Equity through September 30, 2022.

The September Profit & Loss Statement reflects Interest Income of $83.08. In the expense column, now that we have an Executive Director in place we now have our regular routine monthly expenses including Director Services, cell phone, office expenses and mileage. The one-time expenses of contract labor ($1,000) was part of the grant of $5,000 to the Bakersville Area Merchant’s Association to create a video in the Bakersville Welcome Center. Total Expenses less interest income equal $10,633.09. That concludes the September 2022 financial report.



  • Workforce Development
  • Outdoor Rec Plan
  • Broad band grant – survey
  • Creative Place Making awarded a scholarship – Matt
  • Strategic Plan is from 2016, push for business retention expansion (BRE)



  • Appreciate board appointment


  • Grassy Creek Project – storm drains, lighting, asphalt
  • YMCA Project coming along


  • New law enforcement center and emergency management in Bakersville – 18 months away
  • Bakersville recreation center
  • Middle schools


  • 3 General Surgeons interviewed, 1 Ortho Surgeon
  • Low turnover 10% -13% for RN and All Skills
  • Great employee engagement & RN scores
  • 2023 Business Plan finalized
  • Paint the Town Pink Event in October – Proclamation, fashion show on TV, events, radio at the Mitchell vs. Mountain Heritage game
  • Breast Cancer Awareness was mentioned on the radio for the past 2 months
  • Grateful – November CEO column


  • Land use survey
  • Libby & Darlene – street skate grant application
  • 10/31 Trick or Treat downtown
  • Brad Ragan Park updates


  • November 11, 12, &13 Toe River Arts Council (TRAC)
  • 80 studios & 8 galleries
  • Expect 1,000 – 2,000 shoppers

ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:45pm with Charles Vines motion. There will be no meeting in November or December.


January 27, 2023, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest/s                         Chuck Vines

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                            Chuck Vines

Approval of Minutes                                                                                                  Chuck Vines

October 28, 2022, Open Session Meeting Minutes

2023 EDC Regular Monthly Meeting Schedule                                                          Chuck Vines

Financial Report                                                                                                          Rob Heffron

November-December 2022 and January 2023 Financial Update

High Country Council of Government                                                              Phil Trew

EDC Director Updates                                                                                              Matt Ward

Public Comment                                                                                                         Chuck Vines

Member Comments                                                                                                  Chuck Vines

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – February 24, 2023)                                                  



The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on January 27th, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were Darlene Butler, Tonia Hale, Allen Cook, Rob Heffron, John Boyd, Van Phillips, Mandi Polly, Richard Canipe, Charles Vines, and Matthew Ward and Jeff Harding.

Guests—Phil Trew, Steve Rowland, Libby Phillips,

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the January 27th, 2023 agenda.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. Rob Heffron made a motion to approve the October 28th, 2022 meeting minutes and Darlene Butler seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

 FINANCIALS – Rob Heffron, Treasurer, presented the October, November, and December 2022 financial reports to the board.

Since there were 3 months of financial statements to review Rob reported on the Property and Loss statements for each of the three months and the Balance Sheet as of December 31st, 2023.

October Profit & Loss:

The Profit and Loss statement for October reflects the usual monthly expenses noting in particular that Director Services payroll reimbursement to Mayland does cover both September and October payments. Moving forward those payments should appear once per monthly statement and not as catch up payments. The other item to note is the advertising expense of $678.40 which covers payment to Pittman Signage for printing the Bakersville Area Merchants Association (BAMA) Rack Card – part of our grant to BAMA. Interest income was $5.59 and expenses totaled $18, 427.30.

November Profit & Loss:

Reviewing our November Profit and Loss statement expenses fall into routine categories the Advertising item of $446.91 represents updates to the EDC website. We received interest income of $59.53 while expenses totaled $9,705.05.


December Profit and Loss:

The December Profit and Loss Statement shows interest of $66.03 and monthly expenses of $9,080.65 which includes regular expenses of Executive Director payroll, accounting fees, cell phone, and mileage reimbursement and office supplies. Our regular monthly expenses going forward will fall in the $9,000 range. Rob will continue to highlight any non-routine expenses each month.

December Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet for December 2022 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $427,767.60 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $469,108.38. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through December 31, 2022.

That concludes the Treasurer’s report for the final 3 months of 2022 for your consideration.

John Boyd made a motion to accept the financial report as presented and Van Phillips seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Phil Trew:

  • Update EDC plan – see agenda
  • Alleghany 2014 EDC plan $5,000 cost
  • Avery no EDC plan
  • Mitchell – 2015 Mitchell Works plan; Outdoor Recreation plan
  • Watauga no EDC plan
  • Wilkes no EDC plan
  • Yancey 2020 EDC plan $20,000 cost
  • ARPA funds expended by 2026
  • Workforce drought due to lack of workers
  • Healthcare, Education, Industry (mining)
  • Next steps:
  • Charles will send an email to request information from members re: priorities—What is our goal?
  • Full rewrite (large document) or
  • Summary on focused items
  • There are grants available and can be built into the work.


  • Applied for NCDOT Paved Trail Feasibility grant
  • Downtown Spruce Pine grants available
  • Broadband grant with county
  • PATH grant
  • Mitchell works document review
  • Met with local industry: Buck Stove, Sibelco, BRP
  • Scholarships – UNC School of Government on grant management
  • Keith Johnson’s Property – sold in November
  • Building outdoor communities survey – 1000 participants




Darlene Butler:

  • Parks – executing tasks
  • Brad Ragan playground and mulch, fencing – dog park
  • River Park – restrooms renovating, bridge lighting, pole decorations ordered, land use plan process continued

Tonia Hale:

  • The hospital has experienced increased volumes in the Emergency Department, Acute Care, Outpatient, and My Care Now. Some of this is related to respiratory illness and post-COVID care.
  • 2 new General Surgeons are anticipated to start between May and September
  • Larson – took a PACE position at Care Partners in Asheville
  • Turnover low – nursing workforce is favorable. Need to fill lab, radiology, physical therapy positions
  • Recruitment events – Burnsville, Boone, Johnson City

Allen Cook:

  • EDC board room renovation
  • Law enforcement center – final phase construction planning; bids targeted for May
  • Mitchell Recreation Center – in old 911 center – potentially in May
  • Middle School build – Feb. 16th @ Mitchell High School – groundbreaking late February/ early March
  • Recreational league going well
  • Pine Line going well
  • Turnover and retention in a good place. Morale is favorable

Rob Heffron:

  • Penland – spring/ summer catalog is out. ½ to locals
  • TRAC Spruce Pine gallery open next week on February 1st
  • Market on Oak year round
  • All others open in April

John Boyd:

  • Altec – discovery center renovation naming
  • Beta Program for planetarium— 1 of 2 selected in the country
  • Laser shows were successful
  • Hotel – walls going up, foundation for restaurant, kitchen next phase, paving with landscaping
  • Busier this year (2022) versus last year (2021)
  • Three Peaks – demolition on south side
  • Demolition on North end and hoping to be done for Gem Show
  • Vannoy doing large part of project
  • Working on getting fire building up to code
  • RCE (Resource Center for Entrepreneurs) going well
  • Culinary starts in Fall
  • Enrollment up
  • New classes starting – Truck driving, Industrial maintenance
  • BRP – printing assistance
  • Special class for Baxter

Van Phillips:

  • YMCA update – within 15 days of getting firm price from Vannoy
  • Expanded gym capability
  • Common’s Shopping Center – 90% asphalt completed, new lighting, and roof replacements
  • New tenants

Mandi Polly:

  • Mineral and Gem planning
  • Lunch and Learns in February
  • Afternoon program
  • WNC PATH – working for Mitchell County
  • Visitor Center – ask for funding

Jeff Harding:

  • Commissioner’s prioritizing goals
  • When new school is built – assume ownership of Bowman Middle

Libby Phillips:

  • Downtown Report – Focusing on work plans and goals from the community meeting
  • Several grant applications –
  • Working on Fire on the Mountain
  • Entrepreneur grant back up
  • Street scaping project with town
  • Anchor stores lost recently
  • South West Trading – owners retiring
  • Toe River Arts– progress on retaining wall
  • Wellburns – storefront upgrade
  • Amy Wellness – small retail 800 sq. ft. – add seven apartments
  • Dellinger – 8 apartments additional
  • Bennett Building – working on building, new roof and upfit being done

Richard Canipe:

  • No report

March 31, 2023, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes


Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest/s                         Chris Gentry

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                            Chris Gentry

Approval of Minutes                                                                                                  Chris Gentry

February 24, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes

Public Comment                                                                                                         Chris Gentry

Caldwell County                                                                                                    Donald Duncan

McDowell County                                                                                            Chuck Abernathy

Financial Report                                                                                                          Rob Heffron

February 2023, Financial Update

EDC Board Room Update/Request                                                                     Allen Cook

EDC Director Updates                                                                                                Matt Ward

Member Comments                                                                                                Chris Gentry

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – April 28, 2023)



 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on March 31, 2023, at 12:00pm. Present were Tonia Hale, Rob Heffron, Van Phillips, Richard Canipe, Jeff Harding, Chris Gentry, Darlene Butler, Mandi Polly, Allen Cook, Libby Phillips and Matthew Ward

Guests—Donald Duncan, Caldwell County Manager, Chuck Abernathy, McDowell County Economic Development Association, Landrey Atkins, Blue Regional Hospital alternative entry

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Chris Gentry, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Chris Gentry asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the March 31, 2023 agenda.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Chris Gentry asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. made a motion to approve the January 27th, 2023 meeting minutes and seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

 Caldwell County Manager (Donald Duncan)

McDowell County Economic Development Association (Chuck Abernathy)

FINANCIALS – Rob Heffron, Treasurer, presented the February 2023 financial reports to the board.

February Profit and Loss:

The February Profit and Loss Statement shows all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories – Accounting, Director salary, cell and mileage reimbursements and office supplies totaling $8,277.40. There is an Interest Income of $4.90 leaving net expenses of $8,615.13.

February Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet for February 2023 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $493,188.29 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $534,529.07. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through February 28, 2023.

That concludes the Treasurer’s report for February for your consideration.

Jeff Harding made a motion to accept the financial report as presented and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.



  • Small and medium sized German businesses are looking to relocate to WNC. If you know of a business closing or selling let me know. I am sending names to consultants in Atlanta.
  • I requested NCDOT to investigate a right turn lane at HWY 226 and Bear Creek Rd. I thought this would make industry truck movement run smoothly and alleviate traffic when the middle school is built. See response below:
  • “Our Traffic Safety Unit team does not think this would be a candidate for Spot Safety or Mobility funds.
  • I can add it to the list of potential High Impact Low-Cost projects to be evaluated this Spring. It could also be a potential P7 candidate.”
  • The Occupancy Tax passed the NC House and the 1st reading of the Senate.
  • I signed up for Essentials Economic Development class in May to join Chris Gentry.
  • Follow up on work plan 5 most important recommendations: 1. Existing businesses 2. Building up product (3). Increase occupancy tax – (4). Continue to grow our tourism (5). Continue to work with HCCOG and NC Dept of Commerce relationships and incentives.



Allen Cook:

  • The typical 180k is in place for EDC. The County is requesting 12k for upfitting the EDC Board Room with technology and furniture. This would be a match fund to what the County Commissioners provided for the recent EDC Board Room renovations.   Van agreed that we needed a decent meeting space. Van made motion and Rob seconded all were in favor.
  • Will Matt’s EDC role remain as is or under County government with EDC Board autg. He has 1.5 years left to be vested with local government and currently is less than 1 year with state government benefits.
  • NCDOT reprioritization for 3 road projects in the county. NC 226 widen in Grassy Creek has the most points, 19E within Spruce Pine limits to be improved to look like Burnsville’s section of 19E is 2nd most points and 3rd was improvements to NC 226 to TN line.

Jeff Harding:

  • $75 million in new construction happening with three County projects. The middle school will be a recruitment tool as well as the various projects to get people to move here.
  • Our student population has been declining throughout the years from an all-time high of 3,100 to 1,700 students. Start recruiting our 16-year-old students so they know they can make a great living here working for several of our existing industries.

Mandi Polly:

  • First after hours and first council breakfast was held. April 20 WTOE/WKYK hosting breakfast and opportunity for some business to win $500 worth of advertising.
  • April 15 Red Wilson Day and the Chamber shared office workspace is complete.

Darlene Butler:

  • The Riverside Park bathroom is anticipated to be open by Spring.
  • Playgrounds at Brad Ragan Park are complete thanks to The Quartz Corporation for making it possible.
  • First budget meeting at the town was last night.
  • Chief of Police will retire early May.

Van Phillips:

  • Working to complete leases.
  • 2 roofs are now complete.
  • Requested for Bill Slagle to speak at next meeting.

Tonia Hale:

  • 2 general surgeons recruited – planning to stand up call after hours 10 days a month.
  • Dr. Piacentino – June
  • Dr. Drake – September
  • Croft Thomas expanding days and services – 4 days a week availability and new midlevel provider starting in the near future
  • Calcium scoring
  • Cardioversions
  • TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram – clearer image of the heart)
  • Alternative entry – ETSU BHA – Landry Atkins
  • MRI on target for July
  • New diagnostic x-ray room
  • New portable DR unit
  • Recruitment at high schools, SIM, career days and site visits.
  • Employee Turnover Rates
  • We have outstanding Turnover rates—All Skills remain low – 8%; RN

Rob Heffron:

  • MICA open house tonight. 25 new artists and majority of those are from Mitchell County.

Chris Gentry:

  • Mining – industry doing good
  • Future investment to be in the millions of dollars.

ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 1:58 pm by motion from Van Phillips and seconded by Mandi Polly.



February 24, 2023, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest/s                         Chuck Vines

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                            Chuck Vines

Approval of Minutes                                                                                                  Chuck Vines

January 27, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes

Public Comment                                                                                                         Chuck Vines

BAMA                                                                                                                       Sharon Rowland

Mitchell County Animal Rescue                                                                   Amber Lowery

Financial Report                                                                                                          Rob Heffron

February 2023, Financial Update

EDC Director Updates                                                                                              Matt Ward

Member Comments                                                                                                  Chuck Vines

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – March 24, 2023)



 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on February 24rd, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were Tonia Hale, Rob Heffron, John Boyd, Van Phillips, Richard Canipe, Charles Vines, Chris Gentry and Matthew Ward.

Guests—Amber Lowry, Dana Moore, Steve Rolland, Sharon Rowland, and Sierra Silvers

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the February 24rd, 2023 agenda.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. John Boyd made a motion to approve the January 27th, 2023 meeting minutes and Rob Heffron seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

 BAMA – Accountability Report (Sharon Rowland)

  • 46 members; 5 new members
  • Goal – increase membership
  • Projects – Years 1 through 3 reviewed
  • The Map – 66 Businesses funded ads

Mitchell County Animal Rescue (Amber Lowry)

  • Free spay/ neuter and rabies clinics, lost and found helped injured animals
  • Food banks – feeding pets
  • Working with children – reading to animals
  • Cruelty and neglect with Sheriff’s Department
  • 24 hours on call for abandoned animals
  • Started in 1980s at community members’ homes; opened doors in 1990s.
  • State now requires – enrichment and exercise
  • Mayland land donation

FINANCIALS – Rob Heffron, Treasurer, presented the January 2023 financial reports to the board.

January Profit and Loss:

The January Profit and Loss Statement shows all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories – Accounting, Director salary, cell and mileage reimbursements and office supplies totaling $8,620.03. There is an Interest Income of $4.90 leaving net expenses of $8,615.13.

January Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet for January 2023 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $419,152.77 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $460,493.25. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through January 31, 2023.

That concludes the Treasurer’s report for January for your consideration.

John Boyd made a motion to accept the financial report as presented and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


  • Carolina West Trip to Atlanta – 6 people from the area
  • Jamie left Yancey County
  • Over Mountain Victory Trail Grant – not awarded
  • Industries doing fine in Mitchell County
  • Chris Gentry is signed up for Essentials Economic Development class in May
  • Follow up on work plan needed



John Boyd:

  • Richmond Federal Reserve presentation in April
  • PBS did a great program on Earth to Sky
  • 3 Peaks – demo finished on 2/23, north wall went up today, new lights and windows next
  • Hotel – walls up for outside dining, restaurant build next with 5 fire pits
  • RCFE – Resource Center for Entrepreneurs – coming along soon
  • ALTEC made a large donation for Child Discovery Center
  • Planetarium very busy – school visits every week
  • Observatory doing well and recertified
  • Fire Tower close to re-opening
  • Working on truck driver and industrial maintenance programs
  • Tourism is our greatest opportunity

Van Phillips:

  • Trying to put more asphalt down
  • Project delayed

Tonia Hale:

  • 2 general surgeons recruited – planning to stand up call after hours 10 days a month.
  • Dr. Piacentino – June
  • Dr. Drake – September
  • New urologist – Dr. Matt Young – former assistant CMO at Mission
  • Performing new laser procedures and new US guided prostate procedure
  • Croft Thomas expanding days and services – 4 days a week availability and new midlevel provider starting in the near future
  • Calcium scoring
  • Cardioversions
  • TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram – clearer image of the heart)
  • MRI – new mobile operational, removed old magnet and started construction
  • Employee Turnover Rates
  • We have outstanding Turnover rates—All Skills – 14.6%; RN – 11.36%
  • Blue Ridge Regional Hospital is best in the NC Division
  • National RN Turnover rates are closer to 26-27%

Rob Heffron:

  • Annual Community Day at Penland School – 100 volunteers

Richard Canipe:

  • Fire on the Mountain – last Saturday in April – vendors and blacksmiths signed up
  • DEAP – Downtown Entrepreneur Assistance Program to help downtown businesses
  • Facade – $5,000 grants available

Chris Gentry:

  • Mining – industry doing good
  • Good jobs open – geologist, chemist, construction, production supervisor now and general operators
  • Internship – $15 an hour; 10 interns – develop the program

ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:58pm by motion from Charles Vines.

June 23, 2023, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest                     Chuck Vines

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                    Chuck Vines

Approval of Minutes                                                                                         Chuck Vines

April 28, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes                                Matt Ward

Public Comment                                                                                                  Chuck Vines

Financial Report                                                                                                   Rob Heffron

April and May 2023, Financial Update

Board Member Appointments                                                                    Matt Ward

EDC Director Updates                                                                                     Matt Ward

Member Comments                                                                                         Chuck Vines

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – July 28, 2023)



 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on June 23rd, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were John Boyd, Darlene Butler, Tonia Hale, Jeff Harding, Rob Heffron, Van Phillips, Charles Vines, Matt Ward

Guests— Leo Williams, Kirsten Rapp, James Biddix

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:04 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the June 23, 2023 agenda.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. John Boyd made a motion to approve the April 28, 2023 meeting minutes and Jeff Harding seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

FINANCIALS – Rob Heffron, Treasurer, presented the April and May 2023 financial reports to the board.

April Profit and Loss:

The April 2023 Profit and Loss statement shows the non-routine expenses as the $12,000 item referencing the EDC contribution to update in the EDC conference room to bring it up to modern standards when meeting with possible new business groups interested in Mitchell County. The County Commission invested a similar amount for the project. The interest income totaled $247.24 and $30,000 in funding from Mitchell County restoring EDC to $180,000 per year from the county commission leaving the net revenue of $17,321.90 after monthly expenses.

April Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet for April 2023 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $492,849.96 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $534,190.74. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through April 30, 2023.

That concludes the Treasurer’s report for April for your consideration.

May Profit and Loss:

The May 2023 Profit and Loss statement shows all expenses are routine totaling $9,282.36 falling within the usual $9,000 monthly range. This includes Director Services, cell phone and mileage reimbursement, dues and subscriptions, accounting fees, etc. The interest income totaled $171.80, leaving a net expense of $9,110.76.

May Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet for May 2023 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $483,739.20 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $525,079.78. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through May 31st, 2023.

That concludes the Treasurer’s report for May for your consideration.


Amanda Hollifield was appointed to the board. John Boyd made a motion to approve and Tonia Hale seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


  • County Commissioners approved the $180,000 request FY2023-2024 EDC Budget
  • Website come back to life and updates – adding an industries tab
  • Meeting with businesses who have opened or changed management in the past year
    • Buck stove – 70 to 110 employees since last Fall
    • Tri-County Equipment Rental and Construction Services has been very busy
    • Big Al’s Ship and Pack has been busy and will offer new services
    • Burnette’s County Store just opened
    • High Country Arms (hired full time employee) April was their best month.
    • L & L will be expanding into new space and partnering with Buckstove
    • Bangkok Station formerly Chill has a new menu
    • Helen’s Restaurant – Will open in July
    • Bueno Blend – has 3 employees and had a strong year
    • Josh Newton – found lower street office space
    • MCHP proposed building – integrated health facility
    • Bill Slagle, Harris & Dale Carroll – what can we do with quartz and other raw materials
    • Pitched supply chain study idea to Carolina West
    • Turned them down but would do a letter of support
    • Bakersville Bridge with lighting
    • Our state magazine full page ad
    • Top 25 goals to accomplish and narrow to 5
    • Quartz Corp – 20 employees and BRP increased productivity


Van Phillips:

  • Commons Shopping Center – Auto Zone remodeling

Tonia Hale:

  • Piacentino, General Surgeon started 2 weeks ago on June 5th.
  • Lyn Shelton, cardiac PA and Dr. James Drake, General Surgeon start in September
  • 1 RN resigned since November – great turnover rates
  • 10% All Skills turnover rate
  • MRI – ribbon cutting – August 24th

Jeff Harding:

  • Busy – positive activity going on
  • 1st concert – September 1st – Band of Oz—5pm Shag and 7p – 10p concert
  • VIP – 6 people available

John Boyd:

  • Hotel going well
  • Coliseum – plan to accommodate the Mineral & Gem Festival
  • October Concert – Hilloween
  • End of October – go into construction
  • 18 paramedics to RN program – graduate in the spring
  • Working with High School – Fire Science Program
  • Fire Training Center in ready
  • Enrollment is up 20% over prior year (PY)

Darlene Butler:

  • Spruce Pine – May 26th – Splash pad at Riverside Park opened
  • Brad Ragan – 2 new playgrounds, fence – basketball court, and dog park, walking bridge project
  • Libby and Kirsten resigned and will be interviewing for the positions
  • Town Council – adopted 2023/2024 budget – will be live streaming upcoming meetings
  • Street Scape update
  • Grant funding for storm water inventory and assessment
  • Billy Summerlin retired – Casey Cook newly appointed.
  • Fireworks – Saturday, July 1st

Rob Heffron:

  • 1st weekend June – TRAC tour and was successful
  • Galleries – Friday, Saturday, Sunday – over 300 in each gallery

Kirsten Rapp:

  • Alien Festival successful with ~ 10,000 people attending and ~ $250,000 in sales
  • Gastropub sold out / restaurants did very well
  • Treasures/ Market on Oak/ Poppy’s – did well but not as busy as anticipated

Charles Vines:

  • $2 million water project
  • Town wide yard sale – July 1st morning
  • Fireworks – July 1st
  • Rhododendron Festival went well – over 800 people
  • Work in Town Hall
  • Visitors Center is busy

ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:39pm by motion from Jeff Harding.

July 28, 2023, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest                    Chuck Vines

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                   Chuck Vines

Approval of Minutes                                                                                        Chuck Vines

June 23, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes

Public Comment                                                                                               Chuck Vines

Sibelco Leadership                                                                                          Rick Singleton                                                                                                                                         Jenna Rindy

Financial Report                                                                                                Matt Ward

June 2023, Financial Update

EDC Budget FY2023-2024 discussion

EDC Director Updates                                                                                    Matt Ward

Member Comments                                                                                        Chuck Vines

Closed Session – GS 143 – 318.11. – (a) (6)                                             Chuck Vines

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – August 25, 2023)                   Chuck Vines



 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on July 28, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were, Darlene Butler, Tonia Hale, Van Phillips, Charles Vines, Matt Ward, Amanda Hollifield, Allen Cook, Chris Gentry, Richard Canipe

Guests— Jeff Curtis, Jenna Rindy, and Rick Singleton

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:06 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the July 28, 2023 agenda. Tonia Hale made a motion to approve the agenda and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. There were no changes to the minutes. Van Phillips made a motion to approve the June 23, 2023 meeting minutes and Darlene Butler seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  5. SIBELCO LEADERSHIP—Presented the current and 5-year expected economic impact and strategic plan for 2025 and beyond for the Belgium-based company located in Spruce Pine, NC.

FINANCIALS – Matt Ward Execute Director presented financial reports to the board.

June Profit and Loss:

The June 2023 Profit and Loss statement shows all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories- Accounting, Director salary, cell and mileage reimbursements and office supplies. Additional expenses were the BAMA small grants totaling $19,759.52. the interest income of $517.34 leaving net expenses of $19,242.18.

June Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet for June 2023 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $464,497.02 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $505,837.80 This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through June 30, 2023.

FY Year July 2022-June 2023 Year to Data Expenses:

Our expenses from last year align with this fiscal year proposed budget. This fiscal year based on the board’s decision the expenses may be under different line items.

That concludes the Treasurer’s report for June for your consideration.

Tonia Hale made a motion to approve the June 23, 2023 financial report and Van Phillips seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


  • New TDA website being built at, with extensive edits sent by TDA board this week.
  • Common calls about housing and internet issues, including lack of affordable housing, housing shortage, and poor internet service.
  • Developer planning national retail store presented to board on June 5, contract with landowner in Grassy Creek, facing hurdles.
  • Provided letter of support for Town of Spruce Pine USEDA grant application to expand waterline.
  • Consultation meeting with Dogwood Health Trust scheduled for August 14, focusing on broadband need.
  • Collaborating with Steve Miller and Zito on campground and wedding event internet setup.
  • Reaching out to Dean Russell at Zito for further assistance.
  • Leita Cash building a new home on Vaughan Rd, facing challenges in getting internet from providers.
  • Challenges in grant applications due to eligibility criteria.
  • Childcare need in the area.
  • Helen’s Restaurant requires servers.
  • Just Local Market received grant for kitchen equipment, planning ribbon-cutting.
  • Coordinating with Katy Bryant for EDC website property listing.
  • Bradshaw Fire Dept ribbon cutting planned for September 2.
  • AMYWF grand opening of Ellis Lofts on August 4.
  • Attending NCCZO conference on August 15 for zoning education credits.
  • Maintaining AICP membership with remaining continuing education credits.
  • Applied for Mountain Bizworks 12-week training cohort for capital coordination.
  • Scheduled to present EDC overview to County Commissioners on August 14.
  • Considering focus on housing, broadband, and existing industries surveys.
  • Planning top 25 EDC goals for the next few months, then narrowing down to MEMBER COMMENTS—LOCAL UPDATES

Tonia Hale:

  • Blue Ridge Regional Hospital received a 5-star CMS rating
  • MRI – ribbon cutting – August 24th
  • New Digital X-ray room
  • Piacentino, General Surgeon started on June 5th
  • Lyn Shelton, cardiac PA and Dr. James Drake, General Surgeon start in September

Darlene Butler:

  • Thanks, water line project grant funding assistance from Matt and letter of support from Van.

Amanda Hollifield:

  • Introduced herself to the EDC
  • Preparing for the annual Benefit auction at Penland
  • Financial Director and HVCU coordinator positions are open

Chris Gentry:

  • Quartz market has exploded worldwide

CLOSED SESSIONCharles Vines requested to go into closed session at 12:43pm. Darlene Butler made a motion to return to normal EDC agenda and Chris Gentry seconded the motion at 12:50pm. The motion passed unanimously.

OTHER BUSINESS—EDC unanimously agrees to increase the EDC Director salary by 5% after closed session and recommends to move the EDC Director to the County for the next budget cycle.

ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:54pm by motion from Jeff Harding.

April 26, 2024, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest                  Chris Gentry

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                 Chris Gentry

Public Comment                                                                                              Chris Gentry

Approval of Minutes                                                                                       Matt Ward

February 23, 2024, Open Session Meeting Minutes

Approval of Minutes

February 23, 2024, Closed Session Meeting Minutes

Approval of Minutes Open Session Meeting Minutes

March 22, 2024, Open Session Meeting Minutes

Financial Report                                                                                              Matt Ward

March 2024 Financials

March 2024 Chamber Financial Report

Proposed FY 2024-2025 Budget and EDC Structure                 Matt Ward

Member Comments                                                                                      Chris Gentry

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – June 28, 2024)                      Chris Gentry


 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on April 26, 2024 at 12:00p.m. Present were, Chris Gentry, Matt Ward, Darlane Butler, Mandi Polly, Van Phillips, Jeff Harding, Allen Cook, Richard Canipe, John Boyd and guest Leo Williams.

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Chris Gentry, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:01
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA- Chris Gentry asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the April 26, 2024 agenda. John Boyd made a motion to adopt the agenda and Jeff Harding seconded the motion. The motion passed
  4. APPROVAL OF MlNUTES- Chris Gentry asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. There were not changes to the February 23, 2024, open session meeting minutes. Darlene Butler made a motion to adopt the meeting minutes and Van Phillips seconded the motion. The motion passed

Chris Gentry asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. There were not changes to the February 23, 2024, closed session meeting minutes. Jeff Harding made a motion to adopt the closed session meeting minutes and John Boyd seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Chris Gentry asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. There were not changes to the March 22, 2024, open session meeting minutes. Van Phillips made a motion to adopt the meeting minutes and John Boyd seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously

FINANCIALS – Matt Ward, Executive Director, presented the EDC Balance Sheet for the month of March. Total Current Assets of $537,843.67 and Total Fixed Assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of

$579,184.45 in United Community EDC accounts. This amount equals our Total Liabilities and Equity through March 31, 2024.

The March Profit & Loss Statement reflects Interest Income of $260.59. This month there are various expenses listed the Advertising total $1,100 was full page ad in the Toe River Valley Destination Guide, Director Services total $17,577.68 and $22,500 Chamber of Commerce total relating to our MOA agreement. The expense will cover Chamber related operations and activities to promote small businesses. Leaving total expenses of $41,573.38 and resulting in net income loss of $41,312.79 for March. Jobn Boyd made the motion, and Jeff Harding seconded the motion to accept the financials as read. The motion passed unanimously.


Matt Ward, Executive Director, presented the Chamber of Commerce Balance Sheet for the month of March.

The Chamber of Commerce Balance Sheet for the month of March shows Total Current Assets of $39.450.39. Total equity of $60,886.78 in m Bank account with $39,450.39 as total Liabilities and Equity through March 31, 2024.

The March Profit & Loss Statement reflects total Income of$27,666.70. This month expenses listed are total office supplies and miscellaneous $436.24, payroll expenses $7,509.98 with a total expense equaling

$8,404.78 promote small businesses. Resulting in $19,261.92 as net income. John Boyd made the motion, and Van Phillips seconded the motion to accept the fmancials as read. The motion passed unanimously.


  1. PROPOSED FY 2024-2025 BUDGET AND EDC STRUCTURE-The director presented $120,000 for FY2024-25. This is a reduction of$60,000 from the prior year. The County budget workshop is April 30, 2024. John Boyd made motion to accept the budget and Van Phillips seconded the motion. The motion passed

Tabled the decision on EDC structure as a non-profit status. Director will find out if we can pick up where we left off back in 2020 or start approval process.


  1. The Appalachian State University Outdoor Recreation User Survey is complete. Popular activities in Mitchell County include nature viewing, fishing, and day hiking. The average amount spent on a Mitchell County trip was $578.
  2. Latest employment numbers show Sibeleo with 488, Walmart 230, Blue Ridge Regional Hospital 300- 350 based on seasonality. Top 3 employers are Sibelco, Board of Education and
  3. MCHP will break ground by end of year. Sometime around May 10 they should have their construction firm selected.


Darlene Butler:

    • Brad Ragan Park Grand reopening Friday prior to Memorial Day wrapping up grant activity to include trail entrance, pool slide, etc
    • May 3 is streetscape kick off meeting with engineers.
    • Stormwater mapping project has started.

Leo Williams:

    • Recruiting for general surgeon and primary care
    • New contrast enhancement mammography project to be completed in 18-20 weeks
    • Continuing to focus on employee satisfaction.
    • Upcoming Mitchell High School event.

Mandi Polly:

    • Tonia Hale and EDC Director added to the Chamber of Commerce executive committee.
    • The Chamber Board members are reviewing and revising current bylaws.
    • Sent three CPA firms contract request to conduct Chamber financials. Hope to hire a firm soon
    • 4 new Chamber members, Blue Ridge Tacos, Trinity Car Sales, Hopscotch Primary Care and Jack’s Locksmith. NCOA ribbon cutting today at 4 p.m.
    • Conducted TDA, Chamber, Spruce Main Street, BAMA and EDC quarterly meeting.
    • Active Excel spreadsheet used to document and keep track of business visits. Visited well over 20 businesses last month.
    • Meeting with Morgan Wood to developing ideas on a new event with business plan.
    • Chamber membership resource guide in bulleted format posted on the website.
    • Coordinating with SP BBQ Festival and Cycle NC for the NC Mountain to Coast ride in October. BBQ Festival is also working on obtaining music. Will present to Town of Spruce Pine Board.
    • Ready to offer 2 employees visitor center position on weekends.
    • Sandi Buchanan will stay on with the Chamber.
    • Separate Mineral and Gem Festival committee as well as bank account has been established.
    • Finishing up Food Lion building contract for Gem Festival
    • One platinum member, Sibelco has provided funding. Working with Penland and The Quartz Corp to determine their sponsorship abilities.
    • Rhododendron Festival preparation for June.
    • A previous contract with Visit NC of $6,320 had to be paid out of Chamber budget. It was a valid contract that was required to be paid.
    • To date there is $15,000 worth of booth rental for Mineral Gem Festival.

Jeff Harding:

    • Both businesses are very this Spring season. Down one employee but rest of the crew has continued to complete work.

Allen Cook:

    • Attended regional County Commission meeting in Avery. Our mountain area regional challenge for each county is workforce housing and the counties are sending that message to Raleigh.
    • Busy time of year, budget workshops, end of fiscal projects and day to day operations.
    • May 1 is bid opening for Mitchell County Recreation Center. 3 bids are required. Hope to start construction work starting July 1.
    • Carbon Reduction Grant was approved for a new 5′ sidewalk connecting P&R to Mitchell High School.
    • Road widening at middle school intersection will take about 6-8 weeks.
    • Law Enforcement Center should be completed by October.
    • Mitchell County is building up recreational facilities to help retain our youth.

Richard Canipe:

    • Blacksmith Festival this Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    • Largest vendor participation in
    • City Drive In and 640 on Oak will have live music and tee-shirt

Van Phillips:

    • No comments

John Boyd:

    • May 14 signing Aspire ceremony with ASU to help our students be prepared to attend ASU after Mayland. This will be a co-admission agreement between Mayland and ASU.
    • Nursing national accreditation was approved.
    • Enrollment is up especially because of the paramedic to nursing program.
    • Hotel curb and gutter completed this week.
    • Bids due today for pavement.
    • YMCA is moving fast.
    • Toe River Beekeepers area established on main campus.
    • This fall students can take Firefighter I and II in the afternoon block schedules.
    • Wit Tuttell, Visit NC executive director stayed at the Blue Ridge Boutique Hotel and attended an event at Planetarium and Observatory.
    • ARC planning grant submitted for supply chain and product development. Sibelco provided match funding, Mayland provided funding and in talks with The Quartz Corp. Around 13 entities have signed letters of support in anticipation of the planning grant award.
    • Mayland College is ranked #2 as most affordable NC community college mascot is now Highlanders representative of a Highland Cow.

Chris Gentry:

    • Van Phillips and Richard Canipe announced they will be coming off the EDC
    • Provided appreciation towards Mr. Phillips and Mr. Canipe’s dedication and support to the EDC Board for helping make the county






ADJOURNMENT-The meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. by motion from Van Phillips.

August 25, 2023, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest

Additions/Changes to Agenda

Approval of Minutes

July 28, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes

Public Comment

Financial Report

July 2023, Financial Update

EDC Treasurer Nomination

EDC Director Updates

Treasurer Nomination

United Community Bank Signatures

Member Comments

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – September 22, 2023)


August 25, 2023





The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on August 25, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were Jeff Harding, Richard Canipe, Van Phillips, Charles Vines, Mandi Polly, Amanda Hollifield, Chris Gentry, Matt Ward

Guests— Leo Williams


  1. CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:03 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the August 25, 2023 agenda.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. Van Phillips made a motion to approve the July 28, 2023 meeting minutes and Jeff Harding seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  5. FINANCIALS – Matt Ward, Director, presented the July 2023 financial reports to the board.

The July Profit and Loss Statement:

As of July 31, the profit and loss statement show all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories – Accounting, cell, mileage reimbursements, office supplies.

Additional expenses were Chamber of Commerce yearly dues the remaining BAMA small grant totaling all at $1,035.75 After expenses and Interest Income of $236.94 there is net income of $89,201.19.

July Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet for July 2023 shows the United Community assets totaled $553,698.21 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $595,038.99. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through July 31, 2023.

That concludes the Treasurer’s report for July for your consideration. Mandi Polly made a motion to approve the financial report and Jeff Harding seconded the motion.


Darlene Butler was nominated to the board. Van Phillips a motion to approve and Jeff Harding seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

It was unanimously agreed upon to remove Mr. Rob Heffron and Dr. Mickey Duval as authorized signatories from the EDC United Community checking account. Subsequently, it was further resolved to add Mr. Van Phillips and Mr. Richard Canipe as new signatories to the account.



  • Ellis Lofts: 9 workforce apartments and retail space in Spruce Pine, developed by AMY Wellness Foundation, Dogwood Health Trust, and RYSE.
  • EDC Achievements: Presented to County Commissioners; Amanda Hollifield officially joins EDC Board.
  • MCHP Update: Positive soil reports, architectural design underway, closing in September.
  • BRP Production: Plans for increased 2024 production due to new automotive contract.
  • NC Zoning Conference: Discussions on economic disparities and generational wealth.
  • EDC Website: Received a 64-grade for online marketing; exploring SEO and training options.
  • Dogwood Health Trust Meeting: Discussing potential coverage for GREAT Grant local match.
  • Population Growth: Mitchell Co. gained 435 people in the last two years.
  • Workforce Housing: Planning meeting with real estate agent and investor.
  • CTE High School Program: Discussing computer science courses and hospitality/tourism cluster.
  • Mega Site Talks: Discussions about a 1,400-acre site along Interstate 40.
  • Investment Framer Program: 12-week training for identifying investment opportunities.
  • Historic Preservation: Course participation and property owner outreach.
  • Hotel Market Study: Shared study with hotel developer John Sandler.
  • Signage Lighting: Installed by Dallas Electrical Contractors along Highway 321.


Van Phillips:

  • Commons Shopping Center – Auto Zone opening soon

Jeff Harding:

  • loss of a level 3 inspector impact current projects.
  • Worries about the cost for a level 3 inspector.

Tonia Hale:

  • CMS 5 Star Hospital Rating: Received a 5-star rating based on 46 quality measures in 5 categories, including safety, mortality, patient experience, readmission rates, and timely care.
  • New Medical Staff: Dr. Piacentino, General Surgeon, started in June. Dr. Drake, General Surgeon, and Lyn Shelton, Cardiology PA, to start on Sept. 25th.
  • MRI Chamber Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: Held on August 24th with a short program, refreshments, and tours for attendees.
  • Low Turnover: Maintaining low turnover rates among all staff and nursing personnel.

Richard Canipe:

  • Main St. 2nd week of September with Spencer Bost.

Amanda Hollifield:

  • 507 tickets were sold for the auction.
  • Collaboration efforts are being made.

Mandi Polly:

  • Path and Search next summer offering free pool days for the first initiative out this group.
  • L+L Ribbon cutting ceremony September 1st at 9am.
  • Joshua Newton Ribbon cutting ceremony September 22nd at 11:30am.


  • Lost of Tommy impacted everyone.


ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 pm by motion from Van Phillips.

September 22, 2023, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

EDC Board Meeting Agenda

September 22, 2023, 12:00 p.m.

Mitchell County Admin Building, EDC Office


Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest

Additions/Changes to Agenda

Approval of Minutes

August 25, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes

Public Comment

Financial Report

August 2023, Financial Update

BAMA Grant Request

EDC Director Updates

Member Comments

Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – October 27, 2023)

EDC Officers: Chairman, Chuck Vines; Vice-Chairman, Chris Gentry; Secretary, Tonia Hale; Treasurer, Financials, Sharon Gillespie, CPA’s (CPA Firm)

Contact: Matt Ward, Executive Director: 828-385-1242 Email:


September 22, 2023



 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on September 22, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were, Charles Vines, Matt Ward, Amanda Hollifield, John Boyd, Jeff Harding, Tonia Hale, Allen Cook, Chris Gentry, and Darlene Butler

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:01 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the, September 22, 2023 agenda.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. Chris Gentry made a motion to approve the August 25, 2023 meeting minutes and John Boyd seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  5. FINANCIALS – Matt Ward, Executive Director, presented financial reports to the board.
  6. The August Profit and Loss Statement:As of August 31, the profit and loss statement show all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories – Accounting, cell, director services, meals, mileage reimbursements, office supplies.

Additional expenses were AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners) dues of $517. After expenses and Interest Income and reimbursement of $268.77 there is net income of negative $8,921.43. This is due to no income except the interest income earned.  As we go through the rest of this year this will continue to be true.  The year-to-date numbers show net income of $80,279.96.

August Balance Sheet:

The Balance Sheet for August 2023 shows the United Community total current assets $544,776.78 and fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $586,117.56. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through August 31, 2023.

BAMA is requesting $7,500 which has increased from $5,000 historically. John Boyd made a motion to approve the request and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


  • MCHP is moving forward on new facility. Anticipate adding more jobs with the new location.
  • Met with PRC’s real estate agent and an investor on workforce housing. Due to investor quote of $300 per sq/ft. to build a quadplex, PRC will be looking at other options.
  • Continuing the 12-week training investment framer program offered through Mountain Bizwork.
  • A buyer will be closing on the Former Pizza Brewery property at Oak Avenue.
  • Shared hotel feasibility study with John Sandler.
  • Received 2 sheets on top 25 things from EDC members.
  • Recruiting several restaurants to look at former Burger King and Hardees.
  • Presented to the Sibelco Community Collaboration last Friday.
  • Segway into my UNC School of Government class on October 6th which will teach us the following topics: Strategic approaches to affordable housing, Affordable housing tools and financing mechanisms, How to assess local housing needs, case studies and exercises, and immediate next steps.
  • The Our State editor plans to do an article about rural mountain treasures.
  • New county map being funded by Made X Mtns. Starli McDowell presented to interested locals about creation of the new county map.
  • Attended the NC 100 Northwest Prosperity meeting in N. Wilkesboro.
  • BAMA has submitted 2023-2024 grant request.
  • Encourage Josh Newton to participate in Spruce Pine’s Main Street Downtown Entrepreneur Assistance Program (DEAP).
  • Matt Ward will get quotes for the lighting on the county signs. Chris will check into different options.


Tonia Hale:

    • Blue Ridge Regional Hospital received a 5-star CMS rating.
    • Blue Ridge Regional Hospital received Pathways to Excellence re-designation.
    • The Joint Commission made an unannounced visit and we had no clinical findings.
    • Blue Ridge Regional Hospital welcomes new providers, Dr. Valentino Piacentino (General Surgeon), Dr. James Drake (General Surgeon) and Lyn Shelton, PA (Cardiology).
    • New services: MRI, General Surgery, and Cardiology procedures: TEE’s, cardioversions, and calcium scoring.
    • A new podiatrist will be onboarding in the 1st Quarter 2024.
    • Digestive Health Partners will be coming weekly which will add more days for those needing colonoscopies.
    • Gynecology surgeries will begin in October.
    • ECU Dental plans to start doing dental surgery after the first of the year.

Allen Cook:

  • Young McQueen for site development for Mitchell Recreation Center; work out rooms and walking track
  • Hickory Construction selected for the Law Enforcement Center. Mosely Architect will design and plan to start in 60 days.
  • Working on fixing Altapass Recycling Center and looking at the recycling profitability.
  • Building Inspector interviews in progress, but not Level 3.
  • Departmental training on safety, CPR, first aid, and drug awareness.

Chris Gentry:

  • Ample construction and is actively recruiting many positions

Darlene Butler:

  • Park upgrades: basketball, pickleball, tennis, dog park, and 1-mile trail
  • Main Street hired Spencer Bost as the new Director
  • In search of Public Works Director
  • Grants – RFQ for street skate plans and for stormwater assessment and grant planning coming up.
  • EDA Disaster grant—applied for a waterline grant
  • Town of Spruce Pine is considering Non-Residential Standards Ordinance
  • Police Department working on 2nd canine drug dog

Jeff Harding:

  • Bowman School Project: next 8-12 months

John Boyd:

  • The hotel is in it’s 3rd landscaping layer process; working on installing fire pit
  • Certificate of Occupancy received for the Resource Center for Entrepreneur.
  • YMCA secured the needed funds for it’s 30,000 square foot project; guaranteed maximum price received. Construction begins at the end of October
  • Animal Shelter received funds for Avery County
  • EDA grant – last round for culinary program
  • Parking lot being built behind the planetarium
  • Enrollment has increased at Mayland Community College
  • Spooktacular October 26th 5-7pm

Amanda Hollifield:

  • $500K raised from the benefit auction
  • Contracted with Stitch Design – 50 beds for instructors and students
  • Meetings with Harley for sidewalks for safety
  • TRAC – November 10-12
  • New Exhibits in Spruce Pine
  • Apple Butter Festival – October 20th -21st

Charles Vines:

  • Paved 5 most traveled streets, 6 more to go
  • DOT has agreed S. Mitchell Ave. belongs to them and will need to extend the road
  • Bowman School Project – current building needs to be repurposed
  • Housing – none for sale but will support expanding housing
  • Trick or Treat – October 31st 5-7pm

Darlene Butler:

  • Treasures in Fall – October 14th
  • Rocktober Festival – October 7th
  • Hilloween – October 26th
  • Trick or Treat – October 31st

ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 1:06pm by motion from Jeff Harding.

Respectfully Submitted,


______________________________     September 22, 2023

Charles Vines, Chairman                       Date

_______________________________    September 22, 2023

Tonia Hale, Secretary                              Date