EDC Board Meeting Agenda
September 22, 2023, 12:00 p.m.
Mitchell County Admin Building, EDC Office
Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest
Additions/Changes to Agenda
Approval of Minutes
August 25, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes
Public Comment
Financial Report
August 2023, Financial Update
BAMA Grant Request
EDC Director Updates
Member Comments
Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – October 27, 2023)
EDC Officers: Chairman, Chuck Vines; Vice-Chairman, Chris Gentry; Secretary, Tonia Hale; Treasurer, Financials, Sharon Gillespie, CPA’s (CPA Firm)
Contact: Matt Ward, Executive Director: 828-385-1242 Email: EDC@mitchellcountync.gov
September 22, 2023
The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on September 22, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were, Charles Vines, Matt Ward, Amanda Hollifield, John Boyd, Jeff Harding, Tonia Hale, Allen Cook, Chris Gentry, and Darlene Butler
- CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:01 pm.
- ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the, September 22, 2023 agenda.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. Chris Gentry made a motion to approve the August 25, 2023 meeting minutes and John Boyd seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- FINANCIALS – Matt Ward, Executive Director, presented financial reports to the board.
- The August Profit and Loss Statement:As of August 31, the profit and loss statement show all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories – Accounting, cell, director services, meals, mileage reimbursements, office supplies.
Additional expenses were AICP (American Institute of Certified Planners) dues of $517. After expenses and Interest Income and reimbursement of $268.77 there is net income of negative $8,921.43. This is due to no income except the interest income earned. As we go through the rest of this year this will continue to be true. The year-to-date numbers show net income of $80,279.96.
August Balance Sheet:
The Balance Sheet for August 2023 shows the United Community total current assets $544,776.78 and fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $586,117.56. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through August 31, 2023.
BAMA is requesting $7,500 which has increased from $5,000 historically. John Boyd made a motion to approve the request and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- MCHP is moving forward on new facility. Anticipate adding more jobs with the new location.
- Met with PRC’s real estate agent and an investor on workforce housing. Due to investor quote of $300 per sq/ft. to build a quadplex, PRC will be looking at other options.
- Continuing the 12-week training investment framer program offered through Mountain Bizwork.
- A buyer will be closing on the Former Pizza Brewery property at Oak Avenue.
- Shared hotel feasibility study with John Sandler.
- Received 2 sheets on top 25 things from EDC members.
- Recruiting several restaurants to look at former Burger King and Hardees.
- Presented to the Sibelco Community Collaboration last Friday.
- Segway into my UNC School of Government class on October 6th which will teach us the following topics: Strategic approaches to affordable housing, Affordable housing tools and financing mechanisms, How to assess local housing needs, case studies and exercises, and immediate next steps.
- The Our State editor plans to do an article about rural mountain treasures.
- New county map being funded by Made X Mtns. Starli McDowell presented to interested locals about creation of the new county map.
- Attended the NC 100 Northwest Prosperity meeting in N. Wilkesboro.
- BAMA has submitted 2023-2024 grant request.
- Encourage Josh Newton to participate in Spruce Pine’s Main Street Downtown Entrepreneur Assistance Program (DEAP).
- Matt Ward will get quotes for the lighting on the county signs. Chris will check into different options.
Tonia Hale:
- Blue Ridge Regional Hospital received a 5-star CMS rating.
- Blue Ridge Regional Hospital received Pathways to Excellence re-designation.
- The Joint Commission made an unannounced visit and we had no clinical findings.
- Blue Ridge Regional Hospital welcomes new providers, Dr. Valentino Piacentino (General Surgeon), Dr. James Drake (General Surgeon) and Lyn Shelton, PA (Cardiology).
- New services: MRI, General Surgery, and Cardiology procedures: TEE’s, cardioversions, and calcium scoring.
- A new podiatrist will be onboarding in the 1st Quarter 2024.
- Digestive Health Partners will be coming weekly which will add more days for those needing colonoscopies.
- Gynecology surgeries will begin in October.
- ECU Dental plans to start doing dental surgery after the first of the year.
Allen Cook:
- Young McQueen for site development for Mitchell Recreation Center; work out rooms and walking track
- Hickory Construction selected for the Law Enforcement Center. Mosely Architect will design and plan to start in 60 days.
- Working on fixing Altapass Recycling Center and looking at the recycling profitability.
- Building Inspector interviews in progress, but not Level 3.
- Departmental training on safety, CPR, first aid, and drug awareness.
Chris Gentry:
- Ample construction and is actively recruiting many positions
Darlene Butler:
- Park upgrades: basketball, pickleball, tennis, dog park, and 1-mile trail
- Main Street hired Spencer Bost as the new Director
- In search of Public Works Director
- Grants – RFQ for street skate plans and for stormwater assessment and grant planning coming up.
- EDA Disaster grant—applied for a waterline grant
- Town of Spruce Pine is considering Non-Residential Standards Ordinance
- Police Department working on 2nd canine drug dog
Jeff Harding:
- Bowman School Project: next 8-12 months
John Boyd:
- The hotel is in it’s 3rd landscaping layer process; working on installing fire pit
- Certificate of Occupancy received for the Resource Center for Entrepreneur.
- YMCA secured the needed funds for it’s 30,000 square foot project; guaranteed maximum price received. Construction begins at the end of October
- Animal Shelter received funds for Avery County
- EDA grant – last round for culinary program
- Parking lot being built behind the planetarium
- Enrollment has increased at Mayland Community College
- Spooktacular October 26th 5-7pm
Amanda Hollifield:
- $500K raised from the benefit auction
- Contracted with Stitch Design – 50 beds for instructors and students
- Meetings with Harley for sidewalks for safety
- TRAC – November 10-12
- New Exhibits in Spruce Pine
- Apple Butter Festival – October 20th -21st
Charles Vines:
- Paved 5 most traveled streets, 6 more to go
- DOT has agreed S. Mitchell Ave. belongs to them and will need to extend the road
- Bowman School Project – current building needs to be repurposed
- Housing – none for sale but will support expanding housing
- Trick or Treat – October 31st 5-7pm
Darlene Butler:
- Treasures in Fall – October 14th
- Rocktober Festival – October 7th
- Hilloween – October 26th
- Trick or Treat – October 31st
ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 1:06pm by motion from Jeff Harding.
Respectfully Submitted,
______________________________ September 22, 2023
Charles Vines, Chairman Date
_______________________________ September 22, 2023
Tonia Hale, Secretary Date