Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest/s Chris Gentry
Additions/Changes to Agenda Chris Gentry
Approval of Minutes Chris Gentry
February 24, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes
Public Comment Chris Gentry
Caldwell County Donald Duncan
McDowell County Chuck Abernathy
Financial Report Rob Heffron
February 2023, Financial Update
EDC Board Room Update/Request Allen Cook
EDC Director Updates Matt Ward
Member Comments Chris Gentry
Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – April 28, 2023)
The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on March 31, 2023, at 12:00pm. Present were Tonia Hale, Rob Heffron, Van Phillips, Richard Canipe, Jeff Harding, Chris Gentry, Darlene Butler, Mandi Polly, Allen Cook, Libby Phillips and Matthew Ward
Guests—Donald Duncan, Caldwell County Manager, Chuck Abernathy, McDowell County Economic Development Association, Landrey Atkins, Blue Regional Hospital alternative entry
- CALL TO ORDER – Chris Gentry, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm.
- ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Chris Gentry asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the March 31, 2023 agenda.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Chris Gentry asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. made a motion to approve the January 27th, 2023 meeting minutes and seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Caldwell County Manager (Donald Duncan)
McDowell County Economic Development Association (Chuck Abernathy)
FINANCIALS – Rob Heffron, Treasurer, presented the February 2023 financial reports to the board.
February Profit and Loss:
The February Profit and Loss Statement shows all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories – Accounting, Director salary, cell and mileage reimbursements and office supplies totaling $8,277.40. There is an Interest Income of $4.90 leaving net expenses of $8,615.13.
February Balance Sheet:
The Balance Sheet for February 2023 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $493,188.29 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $534,529.07. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through February 28, 2023.
That concludes the Treasurer’s report for February for your consideration.
Jeff Harding made a motion to accept the financial report as presented and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Small and medium sized German businesses are looking to relocate to WNC. If you know of a business closing or selling let me know. I am sending names to consultants in Atlanta.
- I requested NCDOT to investigate a right turn lane at HWY 226 and Bear Creek Rd. I thought this would make industry truck movement run smoothly and alleviate traffic when the middle school is built. See response below:
- “Our Traffic Safety Unit team does not think this would be a candidate for Spot Safety or Mobility funds.
- I can add it to the list of potential High Impact Low-Cost projects to be evaluated this Spring. It could also be a potential P7 candidate.”
- The Occupancy Tax passed the NC House and the 1st reading of the Senate.
- I signed up for Essentials Economic Development class in May to join Chris Gentry.
- Follow up on work plan 5 most important recommendations: 1. Existing businesses 2. Building up product (3). Increase occupancy tax – (4). Continue to grow our tourism (5). Continue to work with HCCOG and NC Dept of Commerce relationships and incentives.
Allen Cook:
- The typical 180k is in place for EDC. The County is requesting 12k for upfitting the EDC Board Room with technology and furniture. This would be a match fund to what the County Commissioners provided for the recent EDC Board Room renovations. Van agreed that we needed a decent meeting space. Van made motion and Rob seconded all were in favor.
- Will Matt’s EDC role remain as is or under County government with EDC Board autg. He has 1.5 years left to be vested with local government and currently is less than 1 year with state government benefits.
- NCDOT reprioritization for 3 road projects in the county. NC 226 widen in Grassy Creek has the most points, 19E within Spruce Pine limits to be improved to look like Burnsville’s section of 19E is 2nd most points and 3rd was improvements to NC 226 to TN line.
Jeff Harding:
- $75 million in new construction happening with three County projects. The middle school will be a recruitment tool as well as the various projects to get people to move here.
- Our student population has been declining throughout the years from an all-time high of 3,100 to 1,700 students. Start recruiting our 16-year-old students so they know they can make a great living here working for several of our existing industries.
Mandi Polly:
- First after hours and first council breakfast was held. April 20 WTOE/WKYK hosting breakfast and opportunity for some business to win $500 worth of advertising.
- April 15 Red Wilson Day and the Chamber shared office workspace is complete.
Darlene Butler:
- The Riverside Park bathroom is anticipated to be open by Spring.
- Playgrounds at Brad Ragan Park are complete thanks to The Quartz Corporation for making it possible.
- First budget meeting at the town was last night.
- Chief of Police will retire early May.
Van Phillips:
- Working to complete leases.
- 2 roofs are now complete.
- Requested for Bill Slagle to speak at next meeting.
Tonia Hale:
- 2 general surgeons recruited – planning to stand up call after hours 10 days a month.
- Dr. Piacentino – June
- Dr. Drake – September
- Croft Thomas expanding days and services – 4 days a week availability and new midlevel provider starting in the near future
- Calcium scoring
- Cardioversions
- TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram – clearer image of the heart)
- Alternative entry – ETSU BHA – Landry Atkins
- MRI on target for July
- New diagnostic x-ray room
- New portable DR unit
- Recruitment at high schools, SIM, career days and site visits.
- Employee Turnover Rates
- We have outstanding Turnover rates—All Skills remain low – 8%; RN
Rob Heffron:
- MICA open house tonight. 25 new artists and majority of those are from Mitchell County.
Chris Gentry:
- Mining – industry doing good
- Future investment to be in the millions of dollars.
ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 1:58 pm by motion from Van Phillips and seconded by Mandi Polly.