Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest/s Chuck Vines
Additions/Changes to Agenda Chuck Vines
Approval of Minutes Chuck Vines
January 27, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes
Public Comment Chuck Vines
BAMA Sharon Rowland
Mitchell County Animal Rescue Amber Lowery
Financial Report Rob Heffron
February 2023, Financial Update
EDC Director Updates Matt Ward
Member Comments Chuck Vines
Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – March 24, 2023)
The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on February 24rd, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were Tonia Hale, Rob Heffron, John Boyd, Van Phillips, Richard Canipe, Charles Vines, Chris Gentry and Matthew Ward.
Guests—Amber Lowry, Dana Moore, Steve Rolland, Sharon Rowland, and Sierra Silvers
- CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:02 pm.
- ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the February 24rd, 2023 agenda.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. John Boyd made a motion to approve the January 27th, 2023 meeting minutes and Rob Heffron seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
BAMA – Accountability Report (Sharon Rowland)
- 46 members; 5 new members
- Goal – increase membership
- Projects – Years 1 through 3 reviewed
- The Map – 66 Businesses funded ads
Mitchell County Animal Rescue (Amber Lowry)
- Free spay/ neuter and rabies clinics, lost and found helped injured animals
- Food banks – feeding pets
- Working with children – reading to animals
- Cruelty and neglect with Sheriff’s Department
- 24 hours on call for abandoned animals
- Started in 1980s at community members’ homes; opened doors in 1990s.
- State now requires – enrichment and exercise
- Mayland land donation
FINANCIALS – Rob Heffron, Treasurer, presented the January 2023 financial reports to the board.
January Profit and Loss:
The January Profit and Loss Statement shows all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories – Accounting, Director salary, cell and mileage reimbursements and office supplies totaling $8,620.03. There is an Interest Income of $4.90 leaving net expenses of $8,615.13.
January Balance Sheet:
The Balance Sheet for January 2023 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $419,152.77 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $460,493.25. This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through January 31, 2023.
That concludes the Treasurer’s report for January for your consideration.
John Boyd made a motion to accept the financial report as presented and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- Carolina West Trip to Atlanta – 6 people from the area
- Jamie left Yancey County
- Over Mountain Victory Trail Grant – not awarded
- Industries doing fine in Mitchell County
- Chris Gentry is signed up for Essentials Economic Development class in May
- Follow up on work plan needed
John Boyd:
- Richmond Federal Reserve presentation in April
- PBS did a great program on Earth to Sky
- 3 Peaks – demo finished on 2/23, north wall went up today, new lights and windows next
- Hotel – walls up for outside dining, restaurant build next with 5 fire pits
- RCFE – Resource Center for Entrepreneurs – coming along soon
- ALTEC made a large donation for Child Discovery Center
- Planetarium very busy – school visits every week
- Observatory doing well and recertified
- Fire Tower close to re-opening
- Working on truck driver and industrial maintenance programs
- Tourism is our greatest opportunity
Van Phillips:
- Trying to put more asphalt down
- Project delayed
Tonia Hale:
- 2 general surgeons recruited – planning to stand up call after hours 10 days a month.
- Dr. Piacentino – June
- Dr. Drake – September
- New urologist – Dr. Matt Young – former assistant CMO at Mission
- Performing new laser procedures and new US guided prostate procedure
- Croft Thomas expanding days and services – 4 days a week availability and new midlevel provider starting in the near future
- Calcium scoring
- Cardioversions
- TEE (transesophageal echocardiogram – clearer image of the heart)
- MRI – new mobile operational, removed old magnet and started construction
- Employee Turnover Rates
- We have outstanding Turnover rates—All Skills – 14.6%; RN – 11.36%
- Blue Ridge Regional Hospital is best in the NC Division
- National RN Turnover rates are closer to 26-27%
Rob Heffron:
- Annual Community Day at Penland School – 100 volunteers
Richard Canipe:
- Fire on the Mountain – last Saturday in April – vendors and blacksmiths signed up
- DEAP – Downtown Entrepreneur Assistance Program to help downtown businesses
- Facade – $5,000 grants available
Chris Gentry:
- Mining – industry doing good
- Good jobs open – geologist, chemist, construction, production supervisor now and general operators
- Internship – $15 an hour; 10 interns – develop the program
ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:58pm by motion from Charles Vines.