October 28, 2022, EDC Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest/s                   Richard Canipe

Additions/Changes to Agenda                                                                      Richard Canipe

Approval of Minutes                                                                                           Tonia Hale

August 26, 2022, Open Session Meeting Minutes

September 23, 2022, Open Session Informational Meeting (no quorum)

Financial Report                                                                                                  Rob Heffron

August & September 2022, Financial Update

EDC Director Updates                                                                                       Matt Ward

Public Comment                                                                                                  Richard Canipe

Member Comments                                                                                           Richard Canipe

Adjournment (No November or December EDC Meeting)                                        Richard Canipe



 The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on October 28, 2022 at 12:00pm. Present were Darlene Butler, Richard Canipe, Allen Cook, Chris Gentry, Tonia Hale, Rob Heffron, Charles Vines, and Matthew Ward, Van Phillips

  1. CALL TO ORDER – Richard Canipe, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:11 pm.
  2. ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Richard Canipe asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. Charles Vines made a motion to approve the October 28, 2022 Agenda and Van Phillips seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Tonia Hale, Secretary, asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. Darlene Butler made a motion to approve the August 26, 2022 and September 23, 2022 minutes and Richard Canipe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

 FINANCIALS – Rob Heffron, Treasurer, presented the August 2022 and September 2022 financial reports to the board for consideration and approval.


The Balance Sheet for August 2022 in United Community Bank’s EDC account shows Total Current Assets of $475,432.43 and Total Fixed Assets of $41,340.78, leaving Total Assets of $516,773.21.  The increase in Fixed Assets reflects the addition of a new office laptop computer with necessary programs totaling $1,340.78.  This amount equals our Total Liabilities and Equity through August 31, 2022.

The August Profit & Loss Statement reflects routine monthly expenses for accounting fees and meeting lunch. The final rent payment for the Spruce Pine Office also appears.  The bank statement failed to reflect the monthly interest. That amount will show in the September statement. Total monthly expenses were $537.36. That concludes the August 2022 Financial report.




The Balance Sheet for September 2022 in United Community Bank’s EDC account shows Total Current Assets of $464,799.34 and Total Fixed Assets of $41,340.78, leaving Total Assets of $506,140.12.  This amount equals our Total Liabilities and Equity through September 30, 2022.

The September Profit & Loss Statement reflects Interest Income of $83.08. In the expense column, now that we have an Executive Director in place we now have our regular routine monthly expenses including Director Services, cell phone, office expenses and mileage. The one-time expenses of contract labor ($1,000) was part of the grant of $5,000 to the Bakersville Area Merchant’s Association to create a video in the Bakersville Welcome Center. Total Expenses less interest income equal $10,633.09. That concludes the September 2022 financial report.



  • Workforce Development
  • Outdoor Rec Plan
  • Broad band grant – survey
  • Creative Place Making awarded a scholarship – Matt
  • Strategic Plan is from 2016, push for business retention expansion (BRE)



  • Appreciate board appointment


  • Grassy Creek Project – storm drains, lighting, asphalt
  • YMCA Project coming along


  • New law enforcement center and emergency management in Bakersville – 18 months away
  • Bakersville recreation center
  • Middle schools


  • 3 General Surgeons interviewed, 1 Ortho Surgeon
  • Low turnover 10% -13% for RN and All Skills
  • Great employee engagement & RN scores
  • 2023 Business Plan finalized
  • Paint the Town Pink Event in October – Proclamation, fashion show on TV, events, radio at the Mitchell vs. Mountain Heritage game
  • Breast Cancer Awareness was mentioned on the radio for the past 2 months
  • Grateful – November CEO column


  • Land use survey
  • Libby & Darlene – street skate grant application
  • 10/31 Trick or Treat downtown
  • Brad Ragan Park updates


  • November 11, 12, &13 Toe River Arts Council (TRAC)
  • 80 studios & 8 galleries
  • Expect 1,000 – 2,000 shoppers

ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:45pm with Charles Vines motion. There will be no meeting in November or December.