Call to Order EDC Meeting/Welcome Board & Guest Chuck Vines
Additions/Changes to Agenda Chuck Vines
Approval of Minutes Chuck Vines
June 23, 2023, Open Session Meeting Minutes
Public Comment Chuck Vines
Sibelco Leadership Rick Singleton Jenna Rindy
Financial Report Matt Ward
June 2023, Financial Update
EDC Budget FY2023-2024 discussion
EDC Director Updates Matt Ward
Member Comments Chuck Vines
Closed Session – GS 143 – 318.11. – (a) (6) Chuck Vines
Adjournment (Next EDC Meeting – August 25, 2023) Chuck Vines
The Mitchell County EDC Board met in person on July 28, 2023 at 12:00pm. Present were, Darlene Butler, Tonia Hale, Van Phillips, Charles Vines, Matt Ward, Amanda Hollifield, Allen Cook, Chris Gentry, Richard Canipe
Guests— Jeff Curtis, Jenna Rindy, and Rick Singleton
- CALL TO ORDER – Charles Vines, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:06 pm.
- ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO AGENDA — Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the agenda. There were no changes to the July 28, 2023 agenda. Tonia Hale made a motion to approve the agenda and Chris Gentry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Charles Vines asked if there were any additions or changes to the minutes. There were no changes to the minutes. Van Phillips made a motion to approve the June 23, 2023 meeting minutes and Darlene Butler seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- SIBELCO LEADERSHIP—Presented the current and 5-year expected economic impact and strategic plan for 2025 and beyond for the Belgium-based company located in Spruce Pine, NC.
FINANCIALS – Matt Ward Execute Director presented financial reports to the board.
June Profit and Loss:
The June 2023 Profit and Loss statement shows all expenses to fall into the usual routine categories- Accounting, Director salary, cell and mileage reimbursements and office supplies. Additional expenses were the BAMA small grants totaling $19,759.52. the interest income of $517.34 leaving net expenses of $19,242.18.
June Balance Sheet:
The Balance Sheet for June 2023 shows the United Community Bank Assets totaled $464,497.02 with fixed assets of $41,340.78 leaving Total Assets of $505,837.80 This amount equals the total liabilities and equity through June 30, 2023.
FY Year July 2022-June 2023 Year to Data Expenses:
Our expenses from last year align with this fiscal year proposed budget. This fiscal year based on the board’s decision the expenses may be under different line items.
That concludes the Treasurer’s report for June for your consideration.
Tonia Hale made a motion to approve the June 23, 2023 financial report and Van Phillips seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
- New TDA website being built at, with extensive edits sent by TDA board this week.
- Common calls about housing and internet issues, including lack of affordable housing, housing shortage, and poor internet service.
- Developer planning national retail store presented to board on June 5, contract with landowner in Grassy Creek, facing hurdles.
- Provided letter of support for Town of Spruce Pine USEDA grant application to expand waterline.
- Consultation meeting with Dogwood Health Trust scheduled for August 14, focusing on broadband need.
- Collaborating with Steve Miller and Zito on campground and wedding event internet setup.
- Reaching out to Dean Russell at Zito for further assistance.
- Leita Cash building a new home on Vaughan Rd, facing challenges in getting internet from providers.
- Challenges in grant applications due to eligibility criteria.
- Childcare need in the area.
- Helen’s Restaurant requires servers.
- Just Local Market received grant for kitchen equipment, planning ribbon-cutting.
- Coordinating with Katy Bryant for EDC website property listing.
- Bradshaw Fire Dept ribbon cutting planned for September 2.
- AMYWF grand opening of Ellis Lofts on August 4.
- Attending NCCZO conference on August 15 for zoning education credits.
- Maintaining AICP membership with remaining continuing education credits.
- Applied for Mountain Bizworks 12-week training cohort for capital coordination.
- Scheduled to present EDC overview to County Commissioners on August 14.
- Considering focus on housing, broadband, and existing industries surveys.
- Planning top 25 EDC goals for the next few months, then narrowing down to MEMBER COMMENTS—LOCAL UPDATES
Tonia Hale:
- Blue Ridge Regional Hospital received a 5-star CMS rating
- MRI – ribbon cutting – August 24th
- New Digital X-ray room
- Piacentino, General Surgeon started on June 5th
- Lyn Shelton, cardiac PA and Dr. James Drake, General Surgeon start in September
Darlene Butler:
- Thanks, water line project grant funding assistance from Matt and letter of support from Van.
Amanda Hollifield:
- Introduced herself to the EDC
- Preparing for the annual Benefit auction at Penland
- Financial Director and HVCU coordinator positions are open
Chris Gentry:
- Quartz market has exploded worldwide
CLOSED SESSION—Charles Vines requested to go into closed session at 12:43pm. Darlene Butler made a motion to return to normal EDC agenda and Chris Gentry seconded the motion at 12:50pm. The motion passed unanimously.
OTHER BUSINESS—EDC unanimously agrees to increase the EDC Director salary by 5% after closed session and recommends to move the EDC Director to the County for the next budget cycle.
ADJOURNMENT –The meeting was adjourned at 12:54pm by motion from Jeff Harding.